Siglo XX

  • Vicente Rojo, la creación como urgente necesidad expresiva

    El 15 de marzo de 1932 nació Vicente Rojo, integrante de la “generación de la ruptura”, prolífico artista que exploró diversos caminos creativos empujado por una poderosa compulsión creativa que sólo pudo interrumpir su muerte, ocurrida el 17 de marzo de 2021. Vicente Rojo fue parte del grupo de jóvenes terribles que a mediados del siglo XX dinamitó los principios plásticos que regían la vida artística de México, para generar multitud de caminos creativos sobre los vestigios de pasadas glorias.…

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  • Libros

    Pedro Páramo, by Juan Rulfo

    Juan Rulfo only had to write one brilliant novel to reach worldwide and everlasting fame. Today we take another look at his work, Pedro Páramo.   Pedro Páramo is one and several stories at the same time:  it is the tale – with an admirable poetic charge- about the brutality of rural life in Mexico; it is a bucolic song with an avant-garde touch; it is the disenchanted vision of the Mexican Revolution; it is a requiem for the Suave Patria. “I…

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  • Hopscotch, by Julio Cortazar 

    The Argentinian writer was born on the 26th of August 1914 and died on the 12th of February 1984. We remember him, savouring his novel Rayuela.  Anyone who at some point has enjoyed (or fantasied with) the idea of a trip without direction; with a time living of perilous life; with an inclination to get carried away, without plan, design or order… Whoever experienced or dreamt of something similar, will certainly enjoy reading Hopscotch (Rayuela). “And it was so natural to cross the street, to climb…

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